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Blog aggregator for economics research


This page list the blog posts that were indexed on EconAcademics.Org, along with the mentioned research items or authors linked to IDEAS. In all, these are 5 blog posts referring to 6 distinct items or authors.

The complete blog can be found here: Utredarna

  • En bra arbetsl�shetsf�rs�kring skapar inte arbetsl�shet men ger en b�ttre matchning p� arbetsmarknaden by Roger M�rtvik, 2012-09-14 13:51:48
  • Mindre klasser och bra l�rare betalar sig sj�lvt by Roger M�rtvik, 2011-09-23 12:58:02
  • Hur jobbskatteavdraget skapar jobb by Roger Mo?rtvik, 2009-09-22 19:20:12
  • Paradigmskifte i v�lst�ndsfabriken by Roger Mo?rtvik, 2008-12-19 12:58:34
  • Myten om l�gl�nesamh�llets f�rdelar by Roger Mo?rtvik, 2008-11-22 14:21:44