The blog aggregator for economics research
Will AI Kill Off Money?
in Project Syndicate
Breaking the Mould: Reimagining India’s Economic Future – review
in LSE Review of Books
Empirical Estimates of Loss Aversion
in Healthcare Economist
L’avidifiante inégalité économique (épisode 285)
in Cerveau en argot
How Black teachers lost when civil rights won in Brown v. Board
in Successful Black Parenting
Ice cream is a seasonal product, right?
in FRED blog
The usefulness of the CMIE household survey data for electricity research in India
in Ajay Shah's blog
Di nuovo su TARGET2
in Politica&EconomiaBlog
The range of bank deposits worldwide
in FRED blog
Assessing regulatory capability in Tamil Nadu electricity regulation: Evidence from appeals
in Ajay Shah's blog