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Blog aggregator for economics research

Thoughts on Economics

This page list the blog posts that were indexed on EconAcademics.Org, along with the mentioned research items or authors linked to IDEAS. In all, these are 5 blog posts referring to 5 distinct items or authors.

The complete blog can be found here: Thoughts on Economics

  • Austrian Welfare Economics Confused by Robert Vienneau, 2011-06-02 12:18:00
  • Picoeconomics: A New Vocabulary Word For Me by Robert Vienneau, 2011-05-27 12:52:00
  • A Slight Illness - The Doctor Jests, A King Today - Tomorrow He Is Dead by Robert Vienneau, 2010-11-05 12:04:00
  • Elsewhere by Robert Vienneau, 2010-09-18 12:05:00
  • Colander Testimony On Risks Modeling by Robert Vienneau, 2009-12-21 13:12:00